

🤔某不知名本科大学, ⚡非科班电子计算机爱好者,✈️热爱航模

2018 Year-end Summary

This blog has been around for almost 8 months, from July until now. I would like to thank all visitors, regardless of your purpose.

2018, a year of idleness and a bit of despair. I feel sorry for this age, and I have to apologize to myself.

Some Things#

Major Events#

Social interactions have shifted from QQ to Telegram.
Ranked in the top 1000 in the district.
Received some small county-level awards
Turned ◎◎ years old (sigh, another year older)
Room decoration is done.

Minor Events#

Bought a bunch of cool-looking but useless things.
Blog is set up (still under construction)
Encountered numerous bugs in various projects.
Started learning programming and algorithms.

Goals for 2018#

Release the first version of NicoAI√
Determine the direction of study√
Health is the most important√
Delete small software to quit internet addiction (unfinished)
Switch to the front-end camp√
Drank countless bottles of otaku happiness water√
Make efficient use of time (unfinished)
Read many books√
Take on more responsibilities (unfinished)

Goals for 2019#

Be more present!!
Hope to achieve a total score of 600 someday.
Travel to more places and experience the scenery.
Develop the habit of taking notes.
Read more books, regularly buy magazines like "Maxims."
Exercise regularly (playing ball?)
Cultivate an interest (vocal music?)
Learn PHP+Python+GoLang and other languages.

Looking back, I have made significant progress this year. Although I am still inexperienced, my reading ability has improved, and I have learned more about how to interact with others and better control my emotions. I have always thought of myself as a child, living in school without much pressure. This year, I have experienced many unexpected things, and only then did I realize how difficult life can be. It turns out that dealing with people is the hardest part.

I am usually not fond of crowds, so I would like to thank those companions who have accompanied me through 2018. Please take care of me next year too!

In any case, thank you for reading until the end. Let's continue to work hard in the new year!

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